Grampians Health Ballarat provides a wide range of opportunities for training in Emergency Medicine.
Protected teaching time is offered to all level of medical staff. Weekly education sessions cover a range of general emergency medicine issues in both adults and paediatrics. Delivery is in a range of formats including, simulation, skills workshop and case-based discussions. Medical staff are encouraged to be actively involved and contribute to their own learning and teaching.

Training at Grampians Health Ballarat

  • Grampians Health Ballarat is a level 2 ACEM Accredited training site providing 24 Months TS4 advanced accredited training
  • Approved for Paediatric Log Book (PLB) with shift allocation to dedicated emergency paediatric area
  • 6 month special skills term in Anaesthetics (2 x 3 months)
  • 6 months Intensive Care placement (2 x 3 months)
  • Options for non-ED training (i.e. general medicine, paediatrics and O&G)
  • Supports research, auditing and training requirements for ACEM training
  • Diverse population – young & rural
  • Experienced FACEM teaching and support
  • Training support for primary and fellowship examination preparation with proven track record of success

Flexible Training Options

Flexible training options are available including:

  • Part-time training (not less than 50%)
  • Overseas training
  • Interrupted training (max 24 months)

Grampians Health Ballarat emergency registrars have been very successful at ACEM primary and fellowship exams which is testament to the learning and supportive culture within our department.

For Futher Information

View Emergency Medicine Training – Program Information


Acting Clinical Director - Dr Mark Hartnell

Director of Emergency Medicine Training – Dr Rajesh Sannappareddy, Barry Anthony and Katherine Tomkins 

The Emergency Medicine Education and Training Program

The Grampians Health Ballarat Emergency Department is an ACEM EMET approved site. Medical staff interested in increasing their emergency skills and knowledge can, during their rotation, undertake the Emergency Medicine Certificate (EMC) or Diploma (EMD). This program is applicable for residents and Registrars and often completed by GP Registrars when on rotation.

Information can be found at

For more information about the supervisors and program at Grampians Health Ballarat contact

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