Information on how to find primary Grampians Health Ballarat facilities, along with useful maps. Further site addresses and maps can be found on individual facility pages (search in the top banner) or phone switchboard on 03 5320 4000.

Main site addresses and maps

Ballarat Base Hospital

Ballarat Base Hospital

1 Drummond St North,
Ballarat Central VIC 3350

Phone 03 5320 4000
Open in Google maps

  • Find out more about services at the Base Hospital.

  • Designated short term patient drop off and pick up areas are located at each entrance of the Base Hospital, in Sturt Street, Mair Street (Emergency Department) and Drummond Street.

  • Bus stops are located immediately next to the ward block of the Base Hospital on Drummond Street and on the corner of Sturt and Drummond Streets (outside McDonalds and Shell). For information on bus routes and timetables visit CDC Ballarat.

  • The V-Line coach service to and from Warrnambool stops at the Sturt Street bus stops (outside McDonalds and Shell).

  • Wheelchairs are available at the Base Hospital Drummond Street and Sturt Street entrances.
Queen Elizabeth Centre

Queen Elizabeth Centre

102 Ascot Street South,
Ballarat VIC 3350

Phone 03 5320 3700
Open in Google maps

  • Find out more about services at the Queen Elizabeth Centre.

  • Designated short term patient drop off and pick up areas are located at each entrance of the Queen Elizabeth Centre.

  • Bus stops are located on Eyre Street near the corner of Ascot Street (immediately outside the Queen Elizabeth Centre). For information on bus routes and timetables visit CDC Ballarat.

  • Wheelchairs are available at the Queen Elizabeth Centre Ascot Street South entrance.
Dental Clinic (Sebastopol)

Dental Clinic (Sebastopol)

Corner of Hertford Street and Tuppens Drive,
Sebastopol VIC 3350
(Next door to Phoenix College)

Phone 03 5320 4225
Open in Google maps

  • Find out about services at our Dental Clinic.

  • Designated short term patient drop off and pick up areas are located in the Dental Clinic carpark off Hertford Street.

  • The clinic is located on bus route 25 (Ballarat-Delacombe). For information on bus routes and timetables visit CDC Ballarat.

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