Are your details correct?

Let us know if your practice manager email address changes so we can keep in contact.

It is important to ensure that your details are up to date with the  National Human Services Directory (NHSD) . If your service is currently listed in NHSD, but the information is incorrect or incomplete please email updates to If your service is not listed in NHSD please register. If you are an ARGUS user please ensure your details are up to date. You can contact them at  Updating both the NHSD and Argus directory ensures that all information is up to date.

The NHSD is a government-supported comprehensive listing of health and social services, including GPs, private specialists, hospitals and Allied Health practitioners. GPs and general public can use the directory to search for services according to area or service type.

The public face of the NHSD is linked to the Better Health Channel website.

Have something to tell us? We welcome all feedback from patients, family members or carers. Tell us more.