Sternal Saw

In 2019 Dr Matthew Hadfield, BHS Chief Medical Officer and Director of Surgery, performed life-saving surgery on Peter, who presented in the Emergency Department.
In gratitude for the care he received, Peter and his wife Annie decided to donate to Ballarat Health Services Foundation. The outcome from their donation has meant the purchase of a sternal saw which assists with organ donation operations.
Larna Woodyatt, Ballarat Health Services and DonateLife Victoria, Nurse Donation Specialist says “Peter’s very generous donation of money to BHS has enabled us to purchase this vital piece of equipment used in organ donation operations as well as other important surgeries. We are so grateful to Peter for his generosity.”
Thank you to both Peter and Annie Duncan for their generous donation, their kindness will allow others to benefit medically and ensure BHS patients can continue to receive the best possible care locally.