Thank you to our community

Yesterday our pop-up testing at Marty Busch Reserve closed, after a very busy fortnight testing and tracing our community to beat down this latest outbreak. Each time we enact a COVID response, we rely on our community to assist with a range of needs – generously and immediately. Each time we are overwhelmed by the level of support we receive. It takes a village to raise a testing site!
This time, we want to send out a huge THANK YOU to the following people and businesses who do not work for Ballarat Health Services, but who have demonstrated a true community spirit by supporting us:
- V-line for the use of Platform 2 at Ballan Train Station
- A1 Traffic Management
- Ballarat Police
- Coates Hire (Bobbie and Jo)
- Harry the Hirer
- Mobil Service Station, Ballan (Pauline) for feeding the troops
- Dorevitch Pathology
- City of Ballarat (Phil and Darren) for logistical and operational support
- Ballarat Community Health testing team support
- Moorabool Shire Council (Andy, Cherie, Genevieve, Phil, Stewie, and Melissa) for logistical support
- Ballan District Health and Care for logistical support
- Sovereign Press (Brad and Claire) for rapid signage needs
- Ballarat Fire Brigade for the use of sheds at Marty Busch Reserve
- Sebastopol Football Club for use of Junior Football rooms for staff breakout space (Narelle Cromb)
- CNH Automotive (Noel and Chris Hodder, and Damian Jenkins) who went above and beyond in bring all the supplies/equipment from Ballan back to Sebastopol on a Friday evening to ensure we could operate at Marty Busch Reserve the next morning.
- Adam McCaw Carpet Laying for providing an emergency solution to the Marty Busch Reserve mud!
- Subway (Albert Street Sebastopol) for feeding the troops
And to anyone we have missed on this list – and to anyone who has offered support in previous responses - who offered support when we needed it most.
We really are in this together.
Until next time, thank you.