Updates to Visitor Restrictions

Ballarat Health Services have announced new visitor restrictions to protect residents, patients, staff and the wider community during the COVID-19 pandemic, effective from Tuesday 19 May.
Ballarat Health Services have announced new visitor restrictions to protect residents, patients, staff and the wider community during the COVID-19 pandemic, effective from Tuesday 19 May.
Under the new restrictions, at the Base Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Centre each patient can have one visitor session per day, with a maximum of two persons, for less than two hours.
Residential Aged Care facilities have eased restrictions to allow each resident to receive one visitor per day, for a maximum of 30 minutes. Visits to Residential Aged Care must be pre-booked and all visitors must have a current flu vaccination, wear a mask, gloves and practice hand hygiene upon entry. Visitors should contact the relevant facility to schedule a time.
Ballarat Health Services CEO Dale Fraser welcomed the new restrictions.
“We are working to ensure that our residents and patients feel supported and connected during their time with Ballarat Health Services, while also limiting the spread of COVID-19,” Mr Fraser said. “Although this is an easing of restrictions it is not an easing of concern. The possibility of spread within the community is still a very real possibility and protecting the most vulnerable is still our highest priority.
“While visitor restrictions are in place, we are encouraging and assisting residents and patients to stay connected with their loved ones with phone calls and FaceTime where possible.”
Exemptions to restrictions remain in place for visitors to the wards for the purpose of caring for children, those with disability, support persons during pregnancy and in emergency, and those in palliative care.
All people entering Ballarat Health Services buildings will have their temperature checked on entry, and details taken, and additional screening measures are in place for Residential Aged Care Social distancing restrictions remain in place, in line with the directive from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.