489 results

Basic Physician Training
Home Careers Medical Careers Basic Physician Training

With the focus on your future and career aspirations, at each level we strive to provide training tailored to meet the needs of each Basic Physician Trainee.As a large regional healthcare provider in Victoria, we are able to offer a well-supported training program with regular exposure to senior medical staff. Providing a diverse range of general medicine and medical specialties, trainees can learn in a friendly and well supervised environment. Physician Training Team - who are we? Head of General Medicine - Dr Edward Ritchie Director Physician Education - Dr Soe Ko Medical Education Officer - Zoe Swain Review the BPT Training handbook for detailed information about our training program - Grampians Health - BPT Training 2024 For a snapshot of the rotations available, view our Overview of BPT & AT Training Pathways at BHS

Speciality Registrars and Fellows
Home Careers Medical Careers Speciality Registrars and Fellows

Grampians Health Ballarat offers trainees positions in a number of speciality areas.

Medical & Dental Credentialing
Home Careers Medical Careers Medical & Dental Credentialing

Grampians Health credentialing process is in line with Victoria’s Credentialing and scope of practice for senior medical practitioner’s policy. All of our Medical and Dental applications are submitted to our Medical  and Dental Credentialing and Scope of Practice Committee for endorsement. Initial approval is for one year, and renewals are for three years.All senior clinical staff who have an independent responsibility for patient care are credentialed.Grampians health uses Equifax to credential all senior clinical staff, and you will be sent a request from Equifax to complete your online application against your scope of practice. www.myclinicalprofile.com.au  Please note all  Credentialing for Grampians Health is coordinated through our Ballarat Office. credentialsop@gh.org.au 

Medical Work Experience
Home Careers Medical Careers Medical Work Experience

Medical Observerships - Grampians Health Ballarat recognises the need to promote opportunities in healthcare to Internal Medical Graduates (IMGs) as a rewarding and exciting opportunity to experience the Australian Healthcare system and Grampians Health Ballarat career options whilst strengthen our workforce in the future. Capacity to take IMG on as observers are limited at Grampians Health Ballarat and usually department specific. Currently we do not have a program available nor are we able to take a waitlist of applications.

Medical Students - Summer Placement
Home Careers Medical Careers Medical Students - Summer Placement

Medical students from Universities around Australia may have, as a part of their medical course, the opportunity to spend some time in another health service in a clinical area of interest to them. These rotations are often called "elective' terms.Our program for the 2024/2025 Summer placement has now opened. Please use the following link to complete your expression of interest/Registration (Link to complete expression of interest) Due to when New Years Day falls, January placements will be limited, as we will still have consultants on leave, and theatre may not be at capacity during this time. Registration of Summer Medical Students closes on 30 June 2024, and we will contact you in August if you have been successful in gaining a place.  

Emergency Medicine Training
Home Careers Medical Careers Emergency Medicine Training

Grampians Health Ballarat provides a wide range of opportunities for training in Emergency Medicine.Protected teaching time is offered to all level of medical staff. Weekly education sessions cover a range of general emergency medicine issues in both adults and paediatrics. Delivery is in a range of formats including, simulation, skills workshop and case-based discussions. Medical staff are encouraged to be actively involved and contribute to their own learning and teaching.

Contact Us
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Your feedback matters and is important to us.Provide your feedback directly to Grampians Health

Winter Illnesses Information
Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information

Keep yourself and others well by keeping up to date with your vaccinations, and home tests for Flu and COVID-19.Tests and vaccines are available from many pharmacies.

Visitor Restrictions
Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information Visitor Restrictions

Visitor restrictions remain in place across facilities please read the information below, and check this site regularly for updates. Please note: All visitors MUST wear a mask at all times and additional family members are not permitted to wait in lobbies or waiting rooms (this applies to all facilities).

Staying connected
Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information Staying connected

We have been forced to discover creative ways to connect with others at this time, no matter what our life circumstances.  This page lists some local and state government resources that are focused on helping you find 'your people' and reducing feelings of isolation. Initially, you may find it a strange and uncomfortable way of connecting, but we encourage you to click on the links and see what you discover. 

Changes to Services and Clinics
Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information Changes to Services and Clinics

As the response to COVID-19 changes, so will the times and delivery methods of services and clinics. Please check this page regularly for up to date information on changes to services and clinics.  

Visitor Registrations
Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information Visitor Registrations

You can now register your details to visit a Ballarat Health Services site in advance. This will save time at check in. Visitor restrictions are currently in place across Ballarat Health Services. If you are visiting a resident or patient, please check with the ward or facility that your visit is permitted, and coordinate with the patient or resident to ensure that you are not exceeding the number of permitted visitors on site.

Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information VisitorQR

Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information VisitorQRCO

Visitor restrictions are currently in place across Ballarat Health Services. If you are visiting a resident or patient, please check with the ward or facility that your visit is permitted, and coordinate with the patient or resident to ensure that you are not exceeding the number of permitted visitors on site.

Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information VisitorQRTesting

Visitor restrictions are currently in place across Ballarat Health Services. If you are visiting a resident or patient, please check with the ward or facility that your visit is permitted, and coordinate with the patient or resident to ensure that you are not exceeding the number of permitted visitors on site.

Not sure what to do
Home News and Events Winter Illnesses Information Not sure what to do

Advanced Care Planning
Home For Health Professionals GP Liaison Advanced Care Planning

Advance Care Planning is a process of reflection, discussion and communication that enables a person to plan for their future care needs; for a time when they are not able to make or communicate decisions for themselves. Advance Care Planning is about person-centred care and promotes the expression of a person's values, beliefs and life goals in the event that a person is unable to express their preferences themselves.

Practice Managers
Home For Health Professionals GP Liaison Practice Managers

Referral Guidelines, Templates and Forms
Home For Health Professionals GP Liaison Referral Guidelines, Templates and Forms

SMART Referral Templates
Home For Health Professionals GP Liaison Referral Guidelines, Templates and Forms SMART Referral Templates

Grampians Health Ballarat requests GPs to use the BHS SMART template for all referrals to the outpatient and emergency department where possible. When installing, please name the template BHS SMART (and the appropriate version number i.e. V9) and remove any old templates from your system.

Have something to tell us? We welcome all feedback from patients, family members or carers. Tell us more.